Our Story

FT Forums is a series of members-only communities, created, curated and powered by the best editorial minds from inside the Financial Times. They were originally established in 2013 as The 125 by FT innovation editor John Thornhill.


FT Forums takes a deep dive into some of the biggest topics in global business, technology, finance, leadership, and climate change. 

With unparalleled insight, top-level discussions, and expert opinion, the Forums are essential for all executives looking for diverse insights into global issues that are shaping the future.

The convening power of the FT means leading experts are keen to share their knowledge and join our live and digital discussions. FT journalists use their unparalleled expertise to explain the most significant business developments, challenge expert thinking and encourage debate. 

Over the years, FT Forums has formed a number of different business communities offering unique insights and an opportunity for structured networking to a number of different groups:

Chairs' Forum

The Chairs' Forum is an exclusive community for FTSE 350 Chairs'. They are invited to attend FT roundtables where they can learn new trends and latest thinking from world-class speakers as well as leading FT commentators and have a confidential and high-level space to network.

Climate Capital Council

Your guide to green business.

Due Diligence Forum

Centred on a series of intimate and interactive dinners curated by FT editors, the Due Diligence Forum brings together senior executives involved in mergers and acquisitions, corporate strategy and alternative investment, providing unique insights and fresh perspectives on long term issues facing the world of dealmaking.

Future Forum

The Future Forum connects business leaders; providing a community for innovative thinking, and a platform for knowledge exchange. Aiming to challenge members’ strategic mindsets, this forum stimulates fresh thinking about the biggest financial, technologic, business, economic, and political issues that will affect businesses in the future.

Moral Money Forum

Your guide to better business and finance.

Tech For Growth Forum

A think tank to help leaders close the gap between the far reaching possibilities and the real-life adoption of technology.

Women in Business Forum

The Women in Business Forum is a digital-first career development community designed to advance female talent in the workplace. We bring together future female leaders from across industries for thought-provoking workshops, leadership training and networking.

Women in Business Asia Forum

The Women in Business Forum is a digital-first career development community designed to advance female talent in the workplace in Asia. We bring together future female leaders from across industries for thought-provoking workshops, leadership training and networking.