Digital Body Language Workshop

FT Women in Business Forum Asia is delighted to host Kiki Wong as she presents a workshop on digital body language. An expert in forensics, body language and micro facial expressions, Kiki will teach you how to set the right tone and build rapport digitally, how to project your own presence to support career success—both online and in person—and how to ensure that even your email communication is composed for optimal impact.

17 May 2022




Lucy Colback,
Editorial Director of the FT Women in Business Asia Forum

Lucy is the Financial Times’ former Asia Lex Editor, a role in which she used her 20 year experience as an Asia investment specialist to write commentary on financial market issues.

She is currently researching and writing a book on the experiences of World War Two survivors, while in her spare time editing corporate governance-related publications.

Lucy’s former roles include investment manager at Schroders and Asia equity research sales with Merrill Lynch. She is fluent in Mandarin Chinese.

Kiki Wong, Director,
The Silent Company

Kiki Wong is a Director at The Silent Company and the Head of Forensics at The Forensics Company. She is a Non- verbal Communication Specialist where she provides training, personal coaching and consultation in the areas of sales, leadership, negotiation and lie detection. Some non- verbal skills include using micro facial expressions, body language and voice tonality.

